Monday 2 June 2014

Compassion Empathy  

Joan Halifax: Compassion and the true meaning of empathy

Joan Halifax não pronuncia nem uma única vez a palavra "empatia". 
Porque será? 

"So we can ask: What is compassion comprised of? And there are various facets. And there's referential and non-referential compassion. But first, compassion is comprised of that capacity to see clearly into the nature of suffering. It is that ability to really stand strong and to recognize also that I'm not separate from this suffering. But that is not enough, because compassion, which activates the motor cortex,means that we aspire, we actually aspire to transform suffering. And if we're so blessed, we engage in activities that transform suffering. But compassion has another component, and that component is really essential. That component is that we cannot be attached to outcome."

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